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Important Dates

The following are a summary of key important dates that will affect your rights:

  • Opt-Out Deadline: April 23, 2024
  • Deadline to Make Award Elections (Patient Class Only): June 28, 2024
  • Objection Deadline: September 27, 2024
  • Final Approval Hearing: October 4, 2024


Distribution of Notice to Class Members and Posting of Notice on Class Website February 23, 2024
Deadline for Registration to seek eligibility March 25, 2024
Deadline for Special Master to determine eligibility
April 8, 2024
Deadline to Opt Out April 23, 2024
Next Friends to be Appointed for Patient Plaintiffs By May 7, 2024
Deadline to Make Award Elections June 28, 2024
Filing Date for Motion for Fairness Hearing and Final Approval September 13, 2024
Filing Date for Objections to Settlement September 27, 2024
Fairness Hearing to hear objections and approve settlement before Judge Redford October 4, 2024
Order of Final Approval by Judge Redford (Assuming the Court issues Final Approval) October 4, 2024
Effective Date of Order (assuming no appeal of Final Approval Order) November 26, 2024
Distribution of Awards to Patient Plaintiff Class Members (Assuming the Court issues Final Approval) December 6, 2024